This website has been developed in a way to make its content accessible to users who require an increased visual comfort or who cannot use standard input interfaces such as screen, keyboard or mouse.
To achieve the best content accessibility we have followed the recommendations published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
This site complies with W3C's "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 " recommendations, available at :
. This site meets the level AA (Double-A) requirements.
All the pages of the site are conform.
You can resize the text using the appropriate functions of your Web browser.
With all the browsers listed above you can also use the following keyboard sequence Ctrl + + or Ctrl + – to respectively zoom in and out.
Using a wheel mouse in combination with the appropriate key can also change the text size :
You can access some of the pages of this website by using predefined accesskeys, combined with control keys such as Ctrl or Alt. The specific combination will depend on the browser you are using.
This site uses the following accesskeys:
Note: accesskeys use digit keys located above your QWERTY / AZERTY keys. Numeric pad keys will NOT work as accesskeys.
Disabling JavaScript will make the submenus of the main navigation menu inoperable. If for this or other reason you have difficulty using the menu, please go to the site map page.
The site map mirrors the organisation of the menu. It is directly accessible with the accesskey 3. You can use the Tab key to traverse the site map in the same sequence as if you were using the menu.
Links which open a new window or a new tab are identified with the sign
positioned to the right of the mention "opens in a new window or a new tab" in the link title.