Site (in French) for IT professionals with sections on e-business, enterprise IT and software development.
Professional directories, expert opinions, forums and social networking.
Information (in French) for distribution channel professionals (wholesalers, distributors, resellers, service companies, VARs).
News about hardware, software and solutions.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, recommendations, software and tools) to enable the full
potential of the Web. A reference site you cannot miss.
Site (in French) of the Association pour la Promotion et la Recherche en Informatique Libre (APRIL) which acts towards a wide distribution of open source
software and open standards with consumers, professionals and public bodies in the French speaking countries.
Site (in French) of CIGREF (Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises Françaises), an association of over a hundred large French and European
businesses and organisations, aiming to promote the use of IT as a means to create economic value and foster business innovation.
We publish our own bilingual (English and French) blog as well as the French version of a well-known Silicon Valley blog.