IT marketing specialists
Cadabra Marketing, IT marketing and communication specialists


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    Site (in French) for IT professionals with sections on e-business, enterprise IT and software development. Professional directories, expert opinions, forums and social networking.
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    Informations (in French) for IT decision makers and professional users. News, white papers, case studies, product tests…
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    News (in French) on new technologies. Focus on SMB solutions (IT, networks, telecom and mobility, e-business, servers and workstations…)
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    Decision aid (in French) for IT professionals. Product tests, solution analyses, expert interviews, forums, news...
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    Information (in French) for distribution channel professionals (wholesalers, distributors, resellers, service companies, VARs). News about hardware, software and solutions.
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    The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies (specifications, recommendations, software and tools) to enable the full potential of the Web. A reference site you cannot miss.
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    Site (in French) of the Association pour la Promotion et la Recherche en Informatique Libre (APRIL) which acts towards a wide distribution of open source software and open standards with consumers, professionals and public bodies in the French speaking countries.
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    Site (in French) of the CLUSIF association of information security professionals. Many interesting ressources on security.
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    Site (in French) of CIGREF (Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises Françaises), an association of over a hundred large French and European businesses and organisations, aiming to promote the use of IT as a means to create economic value and foster business innovation.


We publish our own bilingual (English and French) blog as well as the French version of a well-known Silicon Valley blog.

We also recommend the following blogs:

  • Mashable opens in a new window or a new tab

    The French version of the "world's biggest blog" dedicated to Web 2.0 and social networks.
  • Read Write Web France opens in a new window or a new tab

    The French version of a blog dedicated to Web technologies: news, analyses...
  • Rough Type opens in a new window or a new tab

    A critical look at the Web and its influence on society, by Nicholas Carr.
  • Seth's Blog opens in a new window or a new tab

    The blog of Seth Godin, bestselling author of marketing books and father of "permission marketing".
  • Tech Crunch France opens in a new window or a new tab

    The French version analyses new businesses, services and next generation Web trends.
  • The Monday Note opens in a new window or a new tab

    Discussion (in English) between Frédéric Filloux and Jean-Louis Gassée about media and new technologies.